In Class Activities


3 21 MATH A
Adding Subtracting Fractions

Add and Subtract with making common denominators

How to cross multiply while adding or subtracting fractions and more help 

Cool game... have your spiral close by!

2 6 14 Math B2 
Rational numbers.. and estimating sums and differences (subtraction)
1) Great site to help you understand what rational numbers are = Rational 1

2) Definition of a Rational Number  better write it down.. help that brain remember!

3) More info... yep brain overload! More rational numbers

4) Video time... your fav big time hit! Rational numbers

1 10 14 Math A
I want you to spend some time working on the how to simplify fractions... please have your spiral with you so you can take notes!
Video 1 need to find that gcf.. CAKE TIME!  
Video 2 Love that cake!
Steps... make sure you have something to take notes on!

1 10 14 Math B1 
Video 1 need to find that gcf.. CAKE TIME!  
Video 2 Love that cake! 
Steps... make sure you have something to take notes on!

1 10 14 Math B2  
Video 1 .. even if you saw it before it can't hurt to see it again and take notes!
Video 2 take NOTEs
Learning video.. its better than it sounds!
Activity 1  make sure you do the work and do not just guess!

12 12 13 Math B2  Adding Subtracting Integers using Keep Change Change
1) Here is the low down... read and take notes you will need them!
2) Huh?

2) This is pretty cool... 
3) Subtracting Integers.. May the force be with you!

4) Multiply Divide Integers ... read then watch the vid
5)  That's a RAP
6) This DUDE is happening!

12 11 13 Math A:  Making equivalent fractions
1) It's Munafo time! Huh??? watch the vid and make sure your taking notes!!
2) How do you make equivalent fractions Down Under?  Watch and find out.. oh and take notes!
3) Do you like eating Subway?  Then you'll enjoy this site!  

12 11 13 Math B1 Compare fractions using cross multiplying:
For both videos make sure that your taking notes!
3)   The Kahn

12 11 13 Math B2
1) Gotta LOVE DUCK football! Well at least this should be fun no matter who you fav team is!
2) Study Jams! What does integer mean in Latin?
3) Study ZONE... read over the page 

12 9 13 Math B2  Take your spiral.. write down some notes Dude! 

12 5 13 Math B2
Adding Subtracting Decimals &; Ordering Decimals

11 22 13 Math A
Find the GCF with the upside down cake method
answer these questions USE your cake method to find the gcf

11 22 13 Math B2
practice  do the equations in your spiral DON'T just guess

Read then work Read intro and then example 1 - 4, then do 16 - 27 EVENS and then do 32 - 35... this will push you but don't just give up!

11 21 13 Math B2
Operations with mixed numbers
Vid 1  TAKE NOTES, yes Juan that means you!

Using keep change change to subtract mixed numbers!

Vid 3 How to add subtract mixed numbers 

11 19 13 Math A  Greatest Common Factor, Prime Factorizing, Upside down birthday cake.. and much more!
Prime numbers watch and take notes

Prime Factorizing  watch and take notes

Prime Factorizing 2 watch and take notes

Finding the Greatest Common Factor watch and take notes

Upside down birthday cake to find the GCF watch and take notes

11 19 20 Math B 1 Mixed numbers and improper fractions

Intro video 1 Mixed number to improper fraction

Intro Video 2 Improper fraction to a mixed number

How to... The Mad Face   Start at the bottom of page 40 (look for the page number on the top right side) and read until you get to page 47 and TAKE NOTES.

11 18 13 Multiply Divide word problems

So you want to be a baker?

Get to it@!

Fraction Jeporday word problem

Fraction Jeporday

11 18 13 EVERYONE! Hey make sure you can tell time... so you'll have time!
Sleeping?  as always take NOTES

A song? what do you think?

11 14 13
Math B2  Multiply  Divide Fractions
Video 1 Of course take NOTEs.. you should have at least a page after this vid!

Video 2 Divide Fractions.. yes notes

Video 3 Divide again... 

Video 4 Multiply... in the sky... please do not ask me why! Love that rhyming stuff!

Video 5 ha!! just kidding.. read through the site.. 

Math A Adding Subtracting Decimals

How to add subtract decimals  Liste, Learn and write down info!

Soccer and math? Do all problems given

Add decimals Do all questions MAKE sure to read the top introduction then go down the page until you find the practice area.

Subtracting decimals more... Do all questions MAKE sure to read the top introduction then go down the page until you find the practice area.

Math B1 Simplifying Fractions,

Reading... learning Read and take notes!!! It will help

From the British Do this at least 6 times - think about copy cat fractions!

Simplflying Fractions go until the game quits or up to 15 fractions.  Make sure that you actually try to figure out what the answer is vs. just guessing.  Think COPY CAT FRACTIONS!

More from the UK (United Kingdom) Think about what you are doing on this activity...  CLICK on the middle of the game... and it will open up then click on A then after A go back and click on B.

11/7/13 Math B2 
Adding Subtracting Fractions

Add and Subtract with making common denominators

How to cross multiply while adding or subtracting fractions and more help 

Cool game... have your spiral close by!

Math A Adding Subtracting Decimals
Slide Show - start at page 15 and go to the end of the slides - take NOTES

Video watch and take notes

Video  watch and take notes

Read over  take notes

Math B1 Simplifying Fractions, Greatest Common factor, Prime Factorizing

Prime numbers watch and take notes

Prime Factorizing  watch and take notes

Prime Factorizing 2 watch and take notes

Finding the Greatest Common Factor watch and take notes

Simplify Fractions watch and take notes

11/5/13 Math B2 
Adding Subtracting Fractions -  Least Common Multiple

LCM 2  watch and take notes

Subtract Fractions  watch and take notes

Add Fractions watch and take notes

Math A Adding Subtracting Decimals
Video 1 take notes please

Video 2 take notes please

Read over.. take notes please

B 1
Video #1 watch and take notes

Video #2 watch and take notes

Lesson help  read and take notes

MATH A Estimating Decimals

Intro take notes

Vid 1 take notes

Vid 2  take notes 

Practice do this 10 times...  

Practice do 8 problems 

MATH B1 Estimating Decimals

Intro take notes

Vid 1 take notes

Vid 2  take notes 

Practice do this 10 times...  

Practice do 8 problems 

MATH B2 Mixed numbers and improper fractions

Intro as to what is what? Am I confused?

The Fraction info

Intro video 1 Mixed number to improper fraction

Intro Video 2 Improper fraction to a mixed number

How to... The Mad Face   Start at the bottom of page 40 (look for the page number on the top right side) and read until you get to page 47 and TAKE NOTES.

10 17 13 B!
If you have not finished the pages from 10/14/13 then do that please, then you can work on this... 

Practice 1 simplify 10 fractions

Practice 2 simplify 10 fractions

Quiz... not really just practice 3 go to the bottom of the page and click on reduce to lowest terms... let me know how you did!

10 16 13
If you have NOT finished 10/14/13 then please do those questions before starting on 10/16/13
More on adding subtracting decimals
Word problems 1  answer the questions then email your answers to Mr. Rott through your student email... click on Mr. Rott and then sign into your student email and then email me your answers.  DO ALL QUESTIONS

Word problems 2  answer the questions then email your answers to Mr. Rott through your student email... click on Mr. Rott and then sign into your student email and then email me your answers. DO ALL QUESTIONS

Word problem 3 DO NOT ANSWER #6 answer the questions then email your answers to Mr. Rott through your student email... click on Mr. Rott and then sign into your student email and then email me your answers. DO ALL QUESTIONS

Add Subtract Activity  Choose the correct answer with the picture of the celebrity with the decimal number.

10 14 13
Adding Subtracting Decimals Video 1

Video #2

Learning - click step by step and then follow the directions - steps on the screen.. 

More learning... read over the page and take notes..

Practice... do all 10 questions.. 

Let's see how you do... take the quiz.. and answer all the questions see how many you get correct.

Guess what..?? More practice!! Go to SOLVE THE WORD problem.. NOT the red button to play the game

Read over this page and take notes. Then read this page and take notes.  Then watch this video...   Make sure you've read over your fraction packet and underlined the things that you think are important.


Activity #1 go to this link and choose decimals 0.01 to 9.99 complete this activity three times.  

Activitty #2 go to the web site and click on compare decimals pop, you click on the balloon that is the smallest decimal then move to the larger decimal.

Activity #3 go to this web site and complete the activity two times.

A 10/8/13
Order compare decimals

worksheet #1 START on page 54 Getting ready to practice: Do 1 - 43  Evens

Worksheet #2 Do all

Worksheet #3 Once to page then click on 1.23 compare decimals.  Do 1- 10 

B 10/8/13

Video #1 watch and take notes

Video #2 watch and take notes

Lesson help  read and take notes

Ordering Decimals
take notes!

take notes

yes in deed take NOTes

check answers with answer sheet

9 26 13
Rounding whole numbers:  Watch the videos and take notes... also take notes on any worksheet that you do... write down what STICKS out to YOU!... we are learning so help yourself learn!

ALSO> After you do 1) then go on to number 2) and then 3)....

3) This is cool... give it a try.  Choose 2 different numbers that you pick! And then read about rounding the numbers that you have chosen..

5) Sharks!  Scroll down until you come to the rounding sharks and then click on the game - You may do this game 3 times.  Then you can do the Rounding Space ships - 3 times.  Read the instructions and see how many sharks you can round!

9 17 13 Place Value practice
 CLICK on the below link
Place Value Worksheet

9 13 13

Number sense continued
All groups Do  A through D.  Take notes and answer all questions

A) Go to Worldmeters and list the place values for the questions:

1)  Under emails sent - What number is in the 1,000 place value_____

2)  Under blogs posts written today - What number is in the 1,000 place value_____

3)  Under births today - What number is in the ones place value_____

4) Under world population - What number is in the 10s place value_____

5) Under emails sent - What number is in the 1,000 place value_____

6) Under Google searches today - What number is in the 10,000,000 place value_____

9 12 13

All groups

Place Value, Number Sense...makes sense to me! hahahaha

Place value practice choose level 1


Define area

How to find the area of a rectangle no fraction action

Area of a rectangle... got the angle? with fraction action!

practice finding the area of a rectangle

Area of a square no fraction action

Area of a Triangle with fraction action..

and more on a triangle  stop when you get to the area of a triangle appalet

The info on area

5 13 13

Difference between Multiplying and Dividing fractions

How to do word problems - GO TO EVERY LINK

Video practice with word problems

4 29 13

4 17 13

Chasing butterflies!  read over yeah I know you've seen it before 

4 10 13 happy birthday Mr. Rott

4 8 13

4 3 13

3 13 13

Reading a ruler

Ruler Game 1

Ruler Game

2 22 13

Your turn... 

2 20 13   Math A
Please watch the video and visit the web sites taking notes... and doing the work...

Worksheet to practice  do 1 - 6 converting improper fractions to mixed numbers

2 15 13  Convert a Mixed number into an improper fraction
Convert Mixed Number to Improper Fraction

Read please

Please read






Math A 2 14 13

Please read over the links highlited below and take notes!!  
What is a mixed number? Am I mixed up hahahah

Pizza anyone?

How to change a mixed number to an improper fraction

MATH A  2 6 13

You will work on LCM Least Common Multiple today... please do not just guess but take the time to figure out what the answer is!

Click on the links below

Math A
1/17/13   Use a fraction calculator and take notes on what you find important.
Simplify 1

Simplify 2

Video 1

video 2

1 16 13  Go to each link... take notes

mathwarehouse  choose regular and follow directions

e-learningforkids  listen and take notes 

You will be working on simplifying fractions and also how to represent fractions with diagrams.. 

How Fractions are represented


Simplify Fractions

Equivalent Fractions
go to the site and follow the directions


 This FRIDAY you will have a test on place values... this site should help you... 
Watch this video... pay attention 

Go to Finding Place Values and go through it two times...

Place Vale Practice

do this rounding decimal 2 times make sure that you are actually ROUNDING! Use your place value chart for help!
google.coml     search for shark rounding game

Video time..... estimating decimals.... 


For those who are dreamers... only for dreamers... if you don't dream of doing BIG BIG THINGS in life.. the skip this video!



1)Watch this video

2) go to this order decimals game and choose decimals 0.01 to 9.99.  Then you move the numbers until they are what you think the correct order is... and when you get  it right it will show a green check mark!  Remember... stack  like pancakes, then fill in empty place value spots,then go from left to right... comparing each column... do this until you have  21 points

 3) If you have time you can play Ted the Builder... where you order decimals from least to greatest. Click on level 1 and then start...

if the above link does not work... then try this 

or this one


Work on your multiplication facts for 10 m

Click on the below site and follow the directions 
Rounding Decimals Video

Rounding whole numbers video


5 15 13

Remember to bring your spiral, calculator, something to write with, and of course a good attitude!!

Find the slope yeah .. its the same old stuff but even MAtt will like this one!

Slope activity.. you'll love it... and you'll want MORE OF IT!

Chili math... not chill-in like a villain but chill-in like way cool!

and of course some slope fun! Is there such a thing?


In class work

Rate of Change
Please read over the links and take notes

Unit Rate

Linear Plots Help

2 22 13


Babys first year


Lesson 6.1 Recursive Routines - Baby's First Year
File Format: Microsoft Powerpoint - Quick View
Lesson 6.1. Recursive Routines. In this lesson you will. ○ explore patterns involving repeated multiplication. ○ write recursive routines for situations involving ...

Scatter Plots  watch the video take notes on what a scatter plot is...

Looking at ordered pairs and plotting look at these examples and notice that they are created by solving equations... I want you to get an idea of what the ordered pairs look like and how they are graphed.
Ordered Pairs  Activity

Catch the fly

2 14 13 Happy Valentines day!

Watch this video on linear plots and ordered pairs - take notes
Linear Plots - Ordered Pairs

Read over this page... Math Planet
you should be able to understand what its talking about.  The idea is that carrots cost $2.50 a pound.  If you buy 1 pound (lb) it will cost you $2.50 and if you buy 2 lbs it will cost you $5.00... and so on... That is what the graph is showing you.  Also, when it comes to ordered pairs (0, 0) means 0 carrots and 0 costs.  Ordered pairs (1,2.50) means 1 carrot = $2.50.... so 1 is the x of the ordered pair while 2.50 is the y of the ordered pair.

If time allows.. please read over this page... 
Graphing help

2 13 13
Linear Inequalities in one variable Test redo

1) Go to  and go over the info wile     taking notes.

2) Redo the test - fix missed questions

3) go over


2 6 13
Today you will be working with Linear Inequalities in one variable.. 

please click on the link below and follow the directions on the page.. oh and have fun!

Video     Please listen and take notes

Solving Inequalities in one variable  Please read and take notes as needed.

solving-word-problems-in-algebra please work through the entire page and solve problems as the come up.

Flash cards  Please read over these flash cards, you are already doing these things... this is just the math words that are used to explain what your doing when you solve problems.  Also, read the bottom of the page.


watch all the videos, take notes
Solve infinite solutions

Solve equation with no solution 

Solve equation for one solution
Multistep Worksheet do at least 5 equations

On Friday you will have a test on order of operations
Video watch and learn

Go over worksheet and answer questions at the bottom

Do this activity one time

1) Video... 

2) activity - do at least 3  problems... write them out

3) Activity #2... oh so fun! basketball

4) For those who are dreamers... only for dreamers... if you don't dream of doing BIG BIG THINGS in life.. the skip this video!



Watch this  video on the distributive property.

then watch this happening video!

Then play distributive property battleship.

Work on your multiplication facts for 10 m
Order of  operations

Order of operations
Order of operations
Click on the below site and follow the directions

order of operations song video

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