Our pictures and videos

Finding the area... with 2nd and 4th period.

 I know that I have been a slacker on getting pics up… especially videos.. have yet to figure out an easy and quick way to do that.. but here are pictures of us doing geometry outside along with other class work!  You guys rock!
The teams at work!
Bella and Jacob are a blur they are throwing so quickly!
All eyes are on... who was throwing that paper ball???
Data collecting... paper wads... 
Trying to make a circle... 

No Luis we are not measuring your tongue, thanks anyhow!

Is that Jeremy trying to hid behind his calculator?

Getting our Thanksgiving Box Ready to go!

First Period
The outside of the box
SECOND PERIOD Decorating the inside of the box

5th Period... they were the cool dudes and dudets that made the card for our box!  And thanks to Mr. B for taking it to the family for us!

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