Sunday, September 26, 2010

Blog for the week of September 27 - October 1st

Howdy Partners!

Just think we are moving along faster than a cattle drive from Texas to Kansas! Get along little doggies.... we are a movin and groovin!
Most of you did great on getting your blog answers in by Thursday... don’t forget the question is usually up by the middle of Sunday.. .or even sometimes Saturday.... again if you get stuck on what to do go to the right side of the blog and read the instructions... remember to click the word comment to send your answers and DO NOT FORGET TO PUT YOUR NAME ON YOUR ANSWER...
 Each spring from 1866 - 1885, Texas longhorns were driven to railheads in Kansas or farther north to stock the open ranges. It took about a dozen cowboys to drive - move 2,000 head of cattle. Herd size ranged from around 1,000 head in the early years to 3,000 - 4,000 later on. For their labors, cowboys earned between $25 and $40 a month, plus their food. Most cowboys were young men, in their late teens or early twenties, and single. One 19th-century definition of a "cowboy" was "anybody with guts and a horse." They needed to be strong to survive the harsh conditions of trail life. On the trail, every cowboy would have from five to 10 horses. Sometimes owned by the ranch, his string of horses was ridden on a rotating basis to allow the others to rest and eat grass along the way.

1st and 6th Period:
This week we will be focusing on how to find the GCF... you know the Greatest Common Factor! 1st period has yet to make their friendship bracelets so that will happen Monday ... anyone make millions on Ebay yet? Also, we are starting to round numbers.. Getting ready for a big round up.. Hahahahah get it rounding numbers... oh man I crack myself UP!

1st & 6th Period BLOG QUESTION:
READ THE OLD WEST FACT... it will help you with your answer for this weeks blog question. For every 1,000 Texas Longhorns on a cattle drive there were a dozen cowboys riding on the cattle drive... #1) how many cowboys would there be for a cattle drive of 4,000 Texas Longhorns____? #2) If a cowboy made $30.00 a month for working on the cattle drive... and they were gone for usually 4 months..  How much did a cowboy earn_____?

4th Period:
This week Cowboys and Cowgirls we will be working on how to find the GCF... we did not really get into that much last week so we will wrap that up.. And we will also be, since we did not talk about it last week .. Talking about how many how many pair of shoes are to many pairs of shoes? So giddy up!

Make sure you read the Old West Fact for the week.... #1) If on a cattle drive there were 35 cowboys.... how many cows would be on the drive______? #2) And with the 35 cowboys... how much money would the Rancher have to pay for the 35 cowboys to do the cattle drive, if they made the least amount per month_____? #3) And lastly, with all those cowboys... how many horses would there be for all of the cowboys____?
Have a wild and woolly ride this week! As always, you are amazing, incredible people with the whole world waiting to be changed by YOU!

Mr. Rott

Bracelets - Factors and Greatest Common Factors

Last week some of you made bracelets in our quest to conqure the understanding of Factors and the Greatest Common Factor... of course you just might be able to sell them on Ebay and make a zilliooooon dollars!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Sunday, September 19, 2010

For the Week of September 20 - 24

Howdy Partners!!!

This week we will need cowboys and cowgirls with guts and a horse!  After we moseyed through the Class Blog Friday... I hope that now each of you Cowboys and Cowgirls reckons what to look for and how to post your answer to this weeks blog question! ... Get it POST... like fence post .. Hahahhaah oh I do crack myself up!

If you’re yearning for an answer as to how to post your answer... all you need to do is wander on over to the right side of the blog because.. My favorite cowboys and cowgirls... there are steps listed for your grazing... oh get it ... graze .. !! On how to post your answer!

                      OLD WEST FACT:
                      THE CAMP COOK
A camp cook was also known as "cookie. He was the cook on the range when cowboys drove cattle. He was the most important person in camp and had to be quite resourceful in roviding three hot square meals a day, rain or shine, cold or hot. Most were older white men, retired from cowboying but blacks, and foreign born men also fit the bill if they could cook up a storm. They were also called among other things, biscuit shooters, bean masters and belly cheaters.
A cook's work was never done, as so it was true on the cattle drive. Since all the directions a drive took were guided by the North Star, it was the camp cook's duty each night to look up, note the North Star and turn the tongue of the chuck wagon toward it. That way, the next morning, the drive would know which way to head out.

1st and 6th Period:
This week we will be focusing on prime and composite numbers... along with friendship bracelets for Ebay? Huh??? Also, we will be checking out to see if you still have a CRUSH on him??? Lots of rootin tootin fun at the old corral! Tighten that cinch! Let er buck!
1st and 6th Period BLOG QUESTION:
In 1877, Congress passed the Desert Land Act which permitted settlers to purchase up to 640 acres of public land at 25-cents an acre in areas. If you lived in the Old West and you bought 640 acres, and your brother bought another 640 acres and your sisters family bought 640 acres and your parents bought 640 acres.. #1) How many total acres did all these people buy together_________? #2) How much did your 640 acres cost at 0.25 cents per acre_______?  #3) Since you all live near each other... well as close as you can get within 640 acres.... what is the total cost for all of you and your family to buy their land...__________?
4th Period:
This week Cowboys and Cowgirls I will be helping you learn a way to make millions on Ebay... well ok.. maybe .. well . .maybe not but it still will be fun... and of course im interested... does she still have the crush? Along.. With .. How many shoes are to many pairs of shoes?

Today there are over 40,000 wild horses that are related to the wild horses of the Old West. #1) If each mare (a female horse) has 2 foals (baby horses) a year, and there are 10,000 mares how many foals will be born_________? #2)Some people think that all wild horses should be rounded up and sold or destroyed... what do you think? Should they be free to roam the hills or should they be captured? Yes? No? 

Also, you are to answer the questions for 1st and 6th Period.. see ABOVE
Have a wild and woolly ride this week! As always, you are amazing, incredible people with the whole world waiting to be changed by YOU!

Mr. Rott

Saturday, September 11, 2010

For the week of September 13 - 17

Howdy Pardners!!!

The first week of school is officially done! You made it... and now the journey really begins... some how we survived the reading of the handbook.... that was like crossing the great plains in a covered wagon! And then the dreaded math assessment.... ahhhhhhhhh that wasn’t to bad... and now the weekend! This will be the first real week of school and getting down and dirty with work! So tighten those spurs, cause pardner here we go! Let er buck!

OLD WEST FACT: Barbed Wire was fencing material which was made out of twisted wire with spaced coiled barbs. It turned the open plains of the West into enclosed pastures and forever changed the society and economy of the region. Barbed wire was the invention of Illinois farmer Joseph Farwell Glidden who received his patent in November 24, 1874. Ranchers could now isolate their cattle and control breeding. It is still used today in everything from cattle ranching to horse paddocks and general enclosure applications. It is not a particularly safe material to use around live animals since their hides can get caught on the sharp barbs.

1st and 6th Period:
This week we will be focusing on numbers... the official title is number theory.. But really what that means is just waking up your memory in the area of what numbers are and what to do with them....

BLOG QUESTION 1st & 6th Period:
If you have 15 Leopard Appaloosa’s and each Appaloosa has 36 spots #1) how many spots are there in total_____? #2) Then what would happen if you left the gate open and 4 of the horses escaped into 450 acres, how many horses would still be in the pen____? #3) And lastly, how many total spots would you have with the remaining 11 horses_____
4th Period:
This week we are working... Reading math... different ways to read numbers and place value.. A busy week.. Best be on your toes... and gets lots of shut eye!

                 BLOG QUESTION 4th Period:
#1) If you take your horse out for a long ride... which ends up being 3 miles and it takes you 3 hours... how fast were you going per mile______? #2) Then the next day you go on the same trail ride but this time instead of your ride taking 3 hours it takes 6 hours. So how fast were you going on your second ride_____?

I know this will be a great week.. Why? Because we get to learn MATH! Yippie Ki Yay! So no squatting on those spurs!

As always, you are amazing, incredible people with the whole world waiting to be changed by YOU!

Mr. Rott


Friday, September 3, 2010

Welcome to a new school year!

Holly Cow Batman... oops.. That was our theme last year.. I should say Howdy Pardner! That’s right.. This year our theme is The Old West, Cowboys! Why cowboys? Good question, did you know that long ago... it was the cowboys who made trails - which turned into roads. Designed clothing, that’s right the first American Eagle wear had its roots in cowboys! But what I like about cowboys is that they worked hard, they did not give up and they finished the job they started. Not an easy task moving stinky old cows miles upon miles so that someone could make a big mac... well ok have a steak... so this year... I want to introduce you to the cowboy... and help you learn to work hard, not give and to get to where you want to go! 
I look forward to a great year with you and I know you will be successful, have fun and of course learn a TON about math! So tighten that cinch (that’s wh at holds the saddle on your horse) and lets get moseying along! 

In this blog you will find... a brief introduction, a section for your class and what we are going to be wo
rking on during the week... also your BLOG HOMEWORK! This will be due on that Thursday by 12:00 am! I like saying that... just makes it sound so final!! I also had many of my college assignments due by 12:00 midnight! Either way... they are due Thursday.. If they are not done you will receive a missed deadline form.. Meaning you’ll have lunch study hall until the question is answered. 

Some of you have computers at home.. Some do not.. You may always stay after school and use the computers in my room, or go to the library, or come in at lunch... or come in early .... go to the public library.. There are many different places and times to use computers.. So no excuses... if for some reason you are NOT able to get on a computer ... you need to talk to me pronto!! 

We will go over how to post your answers to the blog question.. for those who want to try it on their own... look to the right in the column you will find instructions... it works trust me! Oh .. My cowboys and cowgirls... Don’t worry.. There is no way that anyone can get your email or find you on the web, I do not publish the comments, I look at them and then give you a grade :) so your safe!

I look forward to this school year and all the exciting things that we will do together! 

As always, you are amazing, incredible people with the whole world waiting to be changed by YOU! 

This year will be as fine as cream gravy! 

Mr. Rott