Monday, November 30, 2009

4th Period Notes

Ah the fun of decimals! Tomorrow we will be working on adding subtracting and multiplying decimals talk about fun stuff! Here are the notes for Monday 11 30, the last day of November.   thank you ar

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Greetings Super Heros!

Hopefully all of you had a great Thanksgiving and enjoyed having Thursday and Friday off! This week... ah this week lets see, we have 3 full weeks of school then off for Christmas Break! And on top of that you have this coming Friday off, ah but I will be posting your grades. To help you, incase you do not have all your work in there will be NO homework this week. 

 This week 2nd and 5th periods will be having an introduction to Fractions and 4th period will be start changing Fractions to Decimals! As always...Don’t forget the Blog Question of the Week!



1) First, I would suggest that you write down your answer and have it ready to type into the comment box.
2) You go down to the current Week's Blog and click on the word COMMENT.
3) Once there type in your answer.. And of course nice things to say to Mr. Rott (that would be me) and very IMPORTANT you need to put your name and period!!! Just like Superman your secret identity is safe with me!
4) Lastly, when you’re ready to post the comment, click on the word ANONYMOUS and then click post comment.. and poof.. it's all done!

The 411 for the week!

2nd and 5th Period:
Fractions... what are they? Do we use them? This week we will introduce ourselves to Fractions and try to figure out what makes them up and what to do with them.. Could be a tasty event!

BLOG QUESTION FOR 2nd and 5th Period:

If Mrs. Incredible (my daughter Hannah’s favorite Super Hero) had to feed her 25 cats (that was quite a stretch! Hahah get it??), and each cat eats 1 pound of cat food a week, how many pounds of cat food will Mrs. Incredible need to buy to feed her cats for one whole year? 

4th Period:
This week we will be working with decimals. Going from Fraction to Decimal and from Decimal to Fraction.....


If Mat Bouldin made 5 out of 15 baskets in the Michigan State vs. Gonzaga game what would a fraction look like that would equal his 2 baskets? Harris made 6 baskets out of the 16 that he shot, what fraction would his shots look like? Remember to make all fractions in simplest form.

The Zags just won the Maui Invitational. Ok.. not the toughest teams but still they won! They play Washington State next Wednesday at 6pm. I know .. Very exciting huh!! Just gotta love college basketball!

As Spidey says... Whatever life holds in store for me, I will never forget these words: "With great power comes great responsibility." This is my gift, my curse. Who am I? I'm Spider-man. You too have great power.. Be responsible, you can do great things!

AND Remember, as always, you are amazing, incredible people with the whole world waiting to be changed by YOU!
Be SUPER This Week!

Mr. Rott

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thank goodness your not a turkey!!

Well I do know some turkeys.. hahahahah.  Anyhow.. have a great Thanksgiving and enoy your extra time off!

Just a note about Blog Questions... some of you are doing great, others.. um not so great!  As a result I will be writing MDFs for not getting it done...

Also, soon.. not sure exactly when.. maybe next week I will be starting Math Club  on Wednesdays from 2:30 - 3:30 or until 3:45.  You will have to get a ride home or set  things up to take the 3:45 bus home.
Remember... you are amazing young people and are capable of doing amazing things!!

Mr. Rott

Monday, November 23, 2009

4th Period Notes

Notes for todays class... multiplying and dividing mixed numbers, thank you A

Sunday, November 22, 2009

For the week of November 23 - 25

Greetings Super Heros! 

Another short week... hard to imagine how we learn with so many days off... and after Thanksgiving break we have 3 weeks and then we are on break again, WOW! Though it will be a short week we will still have lots to learn, and lots of fun!

Remember you are either getting points for doing the blog question or you are LOSING points... if you have NOT answered previous questions you are still able to get half of the points for each question!



1) First, I would suggest that you write down your answer and have it ready to type into the comment box.
2) You go down to the current Week's Blog and click on the word COMMENT.
3) Once there type in your answer.. And of course nice things to say to Mr. Rott (that would be me) and very IMPORTANT you need to put your name and period!!! Just like Superman your secret identity is safe with me!
4) Lastly, when you’re ready to post the comment, click on the word ANONYMOUS and then click post comment .. and poof.. it's all done!

The 411 for the week!

2nd and 5th Period:  This week we will continue our work on Exponents and end the week with Turkey Math?? Gobble Gobble?

BLOG QUESTION FOR 2nd and 5th Period:

Captain America’s daughter was having a hard time with her car... nope she does not have super powers like Captain America so she has to drive to get around. Her windshield wipers were no longer working... so her and Captain America went to Schuck’s Auto Supply to get new wipers. Each blade cost $12.99 and Captain America bought two for his wonderful daughter. When Captain America and his daughter went to put the wiper blades on... even with his super strength, Captain America was unable to get the blades to go on... so then Captain America went to Fred Meyers to try another pair... those blades cost $6.25 each. Again those blades did not work so Captain America went back to Schuck’s and bought new wiper arms with blades costing a total of $25.78. What was the total that Captain America spent on wiper blades? And if he took the blades back that he could not use, then got his money back.. How much did he actually end up spending? _________

4th Period:
Over the next few days we will be finishing up Mixed numbers and spending some time with Turkeys and Fractions.... should be interesting... see if there is an artist hiding in you some where?? After break we move into decimals and percents.  

If a spooked Turkey can run up to 20 miles per hour, then how far can a turkey run in 5 hours? Do you think a Turkey could run 20 miles per hour for 5 hours? And also, Turkeys can burst into flight in just a matter of seconds up to speeds of 50 - 55 miles per hour, WOW! If Dash (from the Incredibles) and a Turkey were walking along and the Turkey got spooked who would move take off first?


Great game against Michigan State, yeah we lost but they didn’t beat us, we beat ourselves! PLUS... for you all you ZAG fans... remember Michigan State is ranked number 2 in the nation.. Meaning they are the 2nd best college basketball team in the United States! The team is off to Maui, Hawaii for the Maui Inventational.... um.. Tough life those guys live!

As Spidey says... Whatever life holds in store for me, I will never forget these words: "With great power comes great responsibility." This is my gift, my curse.

Who am I? I'm Spider-man. You too have great power.. Be responsible, you can do great things!

AND Remember, as always, you are amazing, incredible people with the whole world waiting to be changed by YOU!
Be SUPER This Week!

Mr. Rott

Friday, November 20, 2009

Notes 4th Period

Today we worked on  subtacting Mixed Numbers and also on tables.... ah nothing like a Friday!  Have a great weekend!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Period 4 Class Notes

Subtracting Mixed numbers with regrouping.... and it was fun!  Thank you A!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

4th Period Notes 11 18 ~ Enjoy!

Here are the notes for our 4th period class....
Thank you A!

Man the zags almost beat Michigan State! :(

For the week of November 16 - 20

Greetings Super Heros! 

A little behind.. But none the less you have seen the class notes that I have posted for 4th period. 5th and 6th periods notes will be up today.. I think.. This is something new to help those of you who have been out sick or to help you and your parents understand what we are working on and how to do it... I have to thank A and K for helping with notes. Two excellent students who clearly take superior notes and are willing to share them with us! Thank you both! :)


1) First, I would suggest that you write down your answer and have it ready to type into the comment box.
2) You go down to the current Week's Blog and click on the word COMMENT.
3) Once there type in your answer.. And of course nice things to say to Mr. Rott (that would be me) and very IMPORTANT you need to put your name and period!!! Just like Superman your secret identity is safe with me!
4) Lastly, when you’re ready to post the comment, click on the word ANONYMOUS and then click post comment .. and poof.. it's all done!

The 411 for the week!

2nd and 5th Period: 

Yes... this long division is LONGGGGGGGG but at least we are not spending heaps of time on it! You guys did great with the reaction time and dividing decimals.... very impressive... so for the rest of the week we will be working on exponents and a little order of operations... just a pinch! Short week next week ... so we are trying to squeeze as much in this week as possible. Remember you need to study your math facts when you do not meet your goal!!!

BLOG QUESTION FOR 2nd and 5th Period:

Every Sunday Batman has to fill up the Batmobile. If he spent $24.02 one week, and $34.35 the next, and then $22.47 the next week how much did Batman spend in three weeks? AND... what was the difference in price between the first week and the second and the second week and the third?

4th Period:

Fractions fractions... and more fractions.... We have been moving right along... dealing with fractions.. Attacking them like Luke would if he were surrounded by Strom Troopers! This week we will be working on adding and subtracting mixed numbers. Remember what you can and cannot mix together! Also you guys did great with the cookies... well really with multiplying mixed numbers.. The cookie dough was just a way to learn to multiply! But the reports that I get .. Except a few of you.. Who burnt them.. That they were very tasty!  Here are some pictures of our Bakers! 


If Spider man was taking his spidery dog Sam for a run... and they came upon numerous worms in the road.. Must be the rain huh? Anyhow... if Worm A moves a total of 1 inch in 2 hours how many feet has Worm A moved in 8 hours? Then if Worm B moves 1/4 of Worms A total distance (in 8 hours) how far has Worm B moved?

As spidey says... Whatever life holds in store for me, I will never forget these words: "With great power comes great responsibility." This is my gift, my curse. Who am I? I'm Spider-man. You too have great power.. Be responsible, you can do great things!

AND Remember, as always, you are amazing, incredible people with the whole world waiting to be changed by YOU!

Be SUPER This Week!
Mr. Rott

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

4th Period Class Notes ~ Thank you to A

Something new for my math classes.  I have students taking notes and I am posting them, hopefully I will get them up the same day.  As you can  tell I have slacked a little! 
 Never fear Super Heros! 

So here are the notes from  today... and the following post has the notes from yesterday... hopefully it will help you if you get stuck!  Be patient we are figuring out the bugs.. get it.. bugs out hahahahahah Oh I do crack myself up!

More to come later tonight.. New Blog Questions!


Notes from 11 16

First try with class notes for 4th period
Trust me it will get better... but this will give you an idea of what we were working on ... we continue to work on Fractions during 4th period.  Mixed numbers and what to do with them.. Hopefully this will help!
Mr. Rott

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

For The Week Of November 2 - 6

Greetings Super Heros! 

I am guessing that even Super Heros enjoy having a few days off... hopefully your extra time off was groovy time for all of you! We have this week and then next week is short ... then back for a week and then another short week... do we ever go to school any more?

The 411 for the week!


Now that we have mastered multiplying decimals its time to take those pesky numbers apart ... that’s right Crime Fighters we are going to be dividing.... !! The short and long of it... hahaha get it.. Short Division ... and Long Divsion... oh man do I crack myself up! Anyhow.... we will do a little of this.. and a little of that!..

I have not made a new blog question... so the last one is still up for you to work on!!

REMEMBER!!!!!!!!!! the blog question is worth 20 points per week...



Fractions fractions... and more fractions.... as we move into multiplying and divding fractions.. Remember... those fractions... they are tough guys... and they always always always want to be in shape... so think of the show the BIGGEST LOSER!!! We will continue our developing a diabolical plan to conquer Fractions... and use every super hero ability in the fight of evil! Meaning.. It may take all your ump to deal with these fractions.. But never fear... you are Super Heroes!!

I have not made a new blog question... so the last one is still up for you to work on!!

REMEMBER!!!!!!!!!! the blog question is worth 20 points per week...


As spidey says... Whatever life holds in store for me, I will never forget these words: "With great power comes great responsibility." This is my gift, my curse. Who am I? I'm Spider-man. You too have great power.. Be responsible, you can do great things!

AND Remember, as always, you are amazing, incredible people with the whole world waiting to be changed by YOU!

Be SUPER This Week!

Mr. Rott