Monday, February 15, 2010

For the week of February 16 - 19

Greetings Super Heroes!

Well Super Heroes, did you enjoy having Monday off? It’s nice to have an extra day every once in a while! Thank goodness we are done with State testing and district testing... well we do get to do the State test one more time... which I am sure you will all do even better at than this time! Thank you for working so hard and for being serious as you took the test. I want you to feel successful and that you have done your best... that’s all you can do .. .

We made it through the State Math Testing!!! You did great, I know it was long, hard, and there were questions on the test that some of you had never seen before, but I want to say THANK YOU for working so hard, being so serious and doing your best! We will take it again in the spring and I am sure it won’t be as difficult for you!
BLOG QUESTIONS: REMEMBER... take the time to read the WHOLE BLOG question and there is usually more than one blog question for you to answer. Many of you are still not leaving your name on your answer... I delete those... and you’ll have to do them again ... you should have your name, period and answer. If you forget how to post your blog question look on the right side of the BLOG... there are detailed steps for you to follow.

2nd and 5th Period: The 411 for the week - we are going to start adding and subtracting fractions with different denominators.... Again I would suggest talking to your fam about getting a FRACTION CALCULATOR... really they cost like $12 bucks or so... at Freds. We will also be finishing up with our Plastic Survey... hopefully you and the people you interviewed learned something about plastic!

BLOG QUESTION 2nd and 5th Period:
Mr. Rott just loves these Little Debbie Valentines Hearts! Yep.. I have bought up um.. .. a few... ok... maybe a lot... like 14 boxes!! Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm but I usually only eat them on Friday night... at least one pack... that means 2. There are two hearts.. Mind you they are small.. In each package.. there are 5 packs (with 2 hearts per pack) to a box. #1) How many total Hearts does Mr. Rott have (remember I have 14 boxes)______? #2) If Mr. Rott eats one box every Friday (which I DO NOT DO!!) What date will it be when he has eaten all of the 14 boxes____?


As you know the Chinese New Year started on February 14th. To enrich your cultural understanding of China, our Blog question is focused on Chinese money! A key to help you with this is.. When you go from small to large you multiply, when you go from large to small you divide!

Ok.. So I have watched some of the Olympics... um I am not a big Ice Skate fan, but the skiing was pretty cool.. There are lots of events still to come... and here is the main web page. Surely there is something there that you can check out! Maybe even Curling?? No.. Not anything to do with a curling iron..hahahahahh!


GO Zags!! .. Oh yeah you got to love the ZAGS! First we whomp on St. Mary’s AGAIN! And then we smack it to San Diego... ouchie ma gouchy! Let’s see... up next 2 away games.. Then the rest are home at the Dog Pound! It’s been a great year... I know you are all looking forward to a little March Madness... oh yeah!!! GO ZAGS!

As Spidey says each week... Whatever life holds in store for me, I will never forget these words: "With great power comes great responsibility." This is my gift, my curse. Who am I? I'm Spider-man. You too have great power.. Be responsible, you can do great things!

AND Remember, as always, you are amazing, incredible people with the whole world waiting to be changed by YOU!

Be SUPER This Week!

Mr. Rott

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